Thore Langfeldt

Thore Langfeldt

Psychologist, researcher, and author with a passion for human development and understanding.

50 years of experience in psychology and sexuality

Extensive research and clinical practice

Author of several professional books and articles

With more than five decades dedicated to the study of psychology and human sexuality, I have devoted my professional life to exploring the complex emotional life and how we as humans create and maintain relationships.

My professional production includes an extensive collection of books and scientific articles, driven by a burning desire to make psychological knowledge accessible and understandable to everyone.

With a holistic perspective on the human psyche, I seek to contribute to better mental health through insight and reflection.

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mandag, tirsdag og onsdag


Sexologi, par og individualterapi. Trans og identitetsproblemer. Parafilier. Overgrepsproblematikk og sakkyndig.


Refusjon uten driftstilskudd. Mellomlegg.


Rosenborggata 3, 0356 Oslo

91 60 39 38

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